For many the thought of a 2nd lockdown was terrifying – especially considering the disruption it caused the first time round. A lot of businesses took emergency steps back then to ensure their telecoms kept working for them. Some took the precaution of putting in place a cloud or web-based system. Some didn’t. Those that did are probably feeling a little smug at the moment as disruptions have been kept to a minimum. Those that didn’t now face the same dilemma.
There are a many good reasons to consider moving to cloud, lockdown aside. Firstly, it future proofs your business holding your number in the cloud to be kept there forever more. And it certainly takes away the fear of the ‘ISDN switch off’. By 2025, BT will be turning off the digital phone network forcing businesses to move to a cloud-type set up. Why wait? Make that transition now and ultimately, it will save you money.
Cloud or web solutions allow your workforce to be effective from anywhere. They can connect via a smartphone, their laptop or tablet or even a handset that can be located at home. It provides the ultimate flexibility in let’s be honest, a World that has changed forever. That sounds a bit deep but it’s true. Business will be (and already is) different. Prospects are happy to engage via video. The old way of selling has changed. The new normal is now well, just normal.
Convergence has experience delivering these solutions for our clients. We have lots of examples. Convergence is even one of them. We use cloud and for us, the transition into lockdown 1 and now lockdown 2, was and is completely seamless.